Cast Iron And Crack Repair By Metal Stitching | RA Power Solutions
Metal stitching and metal locking can now be repaired successfully and are guaranteed. It is not just a crack, but also major damage to the grey cast iron body of the equipment, which has shattered into pieces. It can now be repaired by replacing the broken grey cast iron components with new castings and fixing it with metal locking and stitching. Our specialists provide crack repair and damage gray cast iron casting services 24 hours a day, seven days a week using metal stitching and locking processes. We have a team of professional technicians with valid Indian CDC who can fly wherever in the world with portable tooling to complete repairs. We have frequently demonstrated our crack healing procedure using metal stitching and metal locking, and we have earned a global reputation for reliability and speed of repair. We are known for completing tasks on schedule, being honest, and sincere. For any information on metal stitching, cold stitching engine blocks, and damaged engine block repair by metal lock, please email us at,, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.
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